Silver Seen Targeting Nearly 30% Price Gain for 2013

Today’s AM fix was USD 1,667.00, EUR 1,259.25 and GBP 1,024.96 per ounce. Yesterday’s AM fix was USD 1,674.50, EUR 1,261.49 and GBP 1,027.87 per ounce.
Cross Currency Table

Precious metals remained under pressure yesterday and closed with losses for both gold and silver. Gold closed down 0.2% or $3.50 to $1669.30/oz. Silver closed with a loss of 1.7% - down 54 cents to $31.10/oz.
Gold Spot $/oz. and 100, 200 and 465 Day SMAs– September 2011 To Today

Prices again crept gradually higher in Asian trading prior to some retrenchment in early European trading but dollar weakness was supporting gold and silver.
Further weakness could be seen and it is worth noting that gold and silver saw considerable weakness last December (see chart above) and both bottomed near year end on December 29th prior to strong gains in January 2012.

كتاب عن كيفية عمل خطة عمل او business plan للدكتور طارق السويدان

تعلم كيفية عمل خطة عمل لمشروعك خطوة بخطوة

ملف وورد 2007 يحتوى على الخطوات الفعلية لكتابة خطة العمل

يوضح لك من خلال الخطوات والبيانات كافة التفاصيل الهامة والتى يجب توافرها بخطة العمل

فقط قم بتحميل الملف

ثم قم بعمل نسخة ثانية للتعديل عليها

قم بتعديل البيانات المطلوبة بالملف الثانى

بالتوفيق ان شاء الله

رابط التحميل من Multiupload


الدستور المصرى الجارى التصويت عليه يوم 15/12/2013 للتحميل

هذا هو ناتج ثورتكم أيها المصريين فتوخوا الحذر حينما تقررون

الدستور المصرى الى سيتم التصويت عليه

نرجو التحميل والقراءه بعناية

واستخر ربك القدير ليعطيك الحكمة فى الاختيار

ثم قم بالاختيار وانت متوكل على الله

واعلم أن من سيأتى من بعدك من أجيال هم مسئولون منك مما قد قمت بإختياره

نسأل الله أن يوفق أهل مصر لما يحبه ويرضاهفهو يعلم ونحن لا نعلم

تحميل الدستور المصرى 2012 الصادر عن الجمعية التأسيسية

ميديا فاير

dostor masr 2012


لينك تحميل مباشر

dostor masr 2012

مالتى أبلود

dostor masr 2012

The Latest Adult Movies On Demand

Pornographic films otherwise known as porno films are popular, sexually explicit materials usually depicting scenes where adults are engaging in intercourse. Adult movies on demand are becoming more popular and available, and are also referred to as adult vod or pay per view porn. While these films might be for couples to enjoy together prior to their own sexual relations, adult movies on demand and adult vod in general is popular for masturbation purposes. For example if one does not have a mate, tuning into a film and pretending you are the giver or taker, or closing ones eyes and listening to screams from the dirty mouth of a porn actress, can do just the job for someone seeking to create their own half imagined wild experience.

Digital cameras and video technology have made it quite easy for couples to become adult video on demand stars in their own twisted Hollywood of broken wet dreams. Couples, even groups of people have gotten quite adventurous with their scenarios and role play, and it is all made available given technologys smooth strokes in the right digital direction. Perhaps couples have always been this kinky but with the emergence of web cameras and advanced digital devices, pay per view porn is available in many categories, tickling different folks fancies and sustaining the adult movie on demand industry.

One of the most scandalous pornographic genres might include voyeur or outdoor porn, where couple are in public places having intercourse. Although sex outdoors can be attributed to the survival of the human race, in this day and age it is socially unacceptable. This sort of risk taking appeals to many sex thrill seeking types and generally can make a person, couple or even groups of people cum that much harder. Not to mention the Jim or Jane Doe at home viewing that particular adult movie video on demand episode.

Since getting laid can be a time consuming process that does not end happily in every case, adult movies on demand appeal to the man or woman just looking for that hot release of pent up tension. With the adult vod websites, having an orgasm is as simple as clicking your mouse, unless of course your mouse or other pieces are not working properly. It is always advised that if technical difficulties are taking place to contact your adult vod provider, or if over masturbatory use is causing any physical issues to consult a physician. It is never advised to use sexually enhancing drugs without a prescription from your doctor, whether using in sexual intercourse or on a solo basis for pay per view porn viewing.

Adult Video On Demand Is All The Rage

Adult movies on demand are proving to be a fast, convenient resource for men and women to visualize their most wild, steamy horny fetish filled fantasies. But this does not come without some criticism. Since the beginning of the internet era there has been much criticism and concern about young people, including teens and children, who might able to access these materials which are in most cases intended for adult audiences only, in fact, it is illegal to target minors with pornographic materials and the consequences are quite serious should one or ones company get busted for featuring minors in any of their porno materials or get in trouble for featuring materials that cater or target people younger than 18 years of age.

VOD otherwise known as adult video on demand is also not approved of by most religious groups. It is considered sinful by most religious groups to masturbate yet alone indulge in the saucy pleasures of adult videos on demand. Adult entertainment pornographic films are a safer alternative to sex though, and while the church also discourages sex before people are happily married, it does not make much more sense for them to discourage masturbation and porn because these might prevent people from doing the hardcore sin, in the churches opinion, of people engaging in pre marital relations. Pre marital relations to most religious folk would include anything outside the range of hugging and kissing.

Realistically, once the teenage years roll around it is difficult for parents to monitor their online behavior let alone sexual behavior outside the house. For adults however, accessing porno chicks and dudes performing an array of sexual acrobatics is as easy as walking to refrigerator and grabbing a beer. There are tons of adult videos on demand to choose from, also classified as adult vod and might include fetish films from bathroom cameras to locker room cameras and other voyeuristic scenarios. Some men and women really enjoy watching flicks with a variety of interesting sex scenarios like role play and women dressed as teachers or medical practitioners.

Besides religious objections to people using pornography as a tool for masturbation or simply as inspiring art, spouses or those in relationships with people who like to use porn for the aforementioned reasons may also object. Adult vod is accessible and easy and might be more erotic to mates in stale relationships, or those seeking thrills without necessarily wanting to venture too far from home.

How to Transition Into a New Business

Today's article is about how to transition into a new business.Whether you're transitioning from a corporate job into a new business or if you are transitioning from one business to another, it can feel like a bit of an identity crisis. I know because I've done this twice.
The identity crisis and the angst comes from the fact that you don't want to lose income from the first business or job, but you also need to let others know about what you're doing. I have several tips for you today about how to transition from one into the other.
The very first thing I want to share with you is do not quit your day job just yet! For many years, I worked with clients who would let me know after the fact that they quit their day job, and they said, "Oh, I'm free and now I have all this time to spend on my new business." But they took their eye off the ball, if you will, in terms of what their bread and butter was. After a while, their income very quickly spiraled, which puts people into a fear place. I do not want that for you. Do not quit your day job. Instead, focus your attention on what is bringing in the money. Even if you're transitioning from one business to another, you don't want to put your full attention into the second business and forget what's bringing in the money.
Continue to give attention to job #1 or business #1, and then create extra time for your second venture.Perhaps you start working on your second business during the evenings and weekends. This is what I did in my transitions, both from corporate to my first business and from my first business to my second business.
The idea is that while you're still collecting a paycheck from either your first business or corporate, you create all of the marketing you need. This is where you start focusing on who is your ideal client, what is it that they need most, what is it that they are struggling with the most? Create a compelling message around this new business. Create your marketing materials. Create a marketing plan and decide how you will get out there in a big way while you're still collecting a paycheck.
Once you have those things in place, then it's time to begin networking your new business in a new group.Here's what I did in the beginning. I would go to a networking group at 7:30 in the morning, even though I was still working in corporate. I would market my new business and be at work by 9:00. If you're in your existing business, you keep networking for your existing business and then you find a different networking group and market your second business.
The idea is that you're riding two horses at the same time.That can be tiring, but it's less confusing and again, you want to continue getting that paycheck. Sometimes people ask me, "I'm carrying around two different business cards. Do I hand out two business cards or just one?" I believe that you hand out just one business card-whichever is more appropriate for that person. You don't want to confuse people.
Then once you're making enough income from your second business, that is the one that you start marketing full-time. Once you get at least enough to cover your basic expenses, then you shift your entire focus onto that one. Don't stop taking clients from the first one if you don't have to and then build the second one. That is how I've been able to transition twice and my clients have been able to do the same without losing any income and without sleepless nights.
Make the transition peacefully and easily.
Your Client Attraction Assignment
If you're thinking of transitioning into a new business, take these tips into consideration. Continue to get clients, continue to make money, and to be able to transition peacefully and easily.

Where to Find Real Diamonds in Your Marketing

Marketing, as Peter Drucker observed, was one of the two functions that alone made money for a business - all else was a cost. Thus it is PDI - Pretty Damned Important! It's a shame, therefore, that it only does - usually - half the job. True, that half it may do spectacularly well, but polished fake diamonds with all the branding collateral imaginable are still... only fake.
One of the most important things a business needs to do to sustain profits and ensure longevity is to create a compelling narrative about itself. The 'story' - or narrative - is the diamond (or diamonds) that the organisation owns and which reflects on its own being. Stories can clearly convey the value proposition more effectively than any other mechanism; they differentiate your product or service from the competition; they can justify premium pricing; and finally stories heal organisations (and individuals) where damage has been done.
But generally speaking what marketing companies and internal marketing functions do is polish, present and beautifully brand a 'false' diamond. A fake diamond sounds like this: 'committed to excellence' or 'quality first' or 'being the best' or 'we care for... ' You get the idea: cliché piled on cliché, based on a cliché-d mission statement that sounds just about like everybody else's mission statement. All false.
Real diamonds are found deep underground; for 'ground' here read 'subconscious'. And when they are found they don't look like diamonds - more like raw lumps of coal. Knowing where the diamonds are and how to dig for them is what most marketing companies don't do. Why? Because this is to enter the deep world of ambiguity and uncertainty - it's not part of the MBA course and it can't be done by ticking boxes or by having too systematic a process in place. And it can take time.
On the other hand, get a compelling story and the world - the customers - love you. Take Apple: their story - demonstrated in many ways - is that they are a philosophy company! They study the philosophy of aesthetics, and more particularly, the beauty of technology. Making profits is a by-product of their obsession with this beauty.
(As a sidebar, incidentally, imagining that making a profit is the primary purpose of a business is part of the cliché-d thinking that also militates against digging for real diamonds, and which leads to superficial, short-lived businesses that add little value.)
Thus, finding and extracting diamonds - stories/narratives - should be a primary function of marketing, since if it isn't they polish and present their client well, but alas with an artificial lustre.
Remember, narrative may be regarded as a primary act of mind - which means it involves thinking and feeling and knowing - it will come from the whole being and will be self-validating. This is a tall order. But I think such a narrative will pass five tests which - in a mad world - I call SANER. So ask yourself these five questions about your own stories.
First, is your story Sincere? Does it come from the heart or is it merely manufactured in the head? Put negatively, are you trying to be a clever-clogs? Stories that speak from the heart are the ones that convince, persuade and ultimately lead people to buy into your product or your proposition.
Second, is your story Authentic? By which I mean, is it genuine, or is it, like the diamonds we discussed earlier, fake? An authentic story has what JB Phillips in another context called the 'ring of truth' about it and one surprising aspect of this is that it often seems incredible; but the very incredibleness of it testifies to its validity. As GK Chesterton put it: "The difference between reality and fiction is that fiction has to be credible".
Third, is your story Noteworthy? And this means the opposite of trivial; but one point of clarification here might be: do not confuse 'small' with 'trivial' - sometimes the smallest incidents or effects can be hugely revealing in a story and add significantly to it.
Fourth, is your story Experiential? Another way of saying this might be: is it real, is it based on experience? The experiential quality of a story means more and more people can identify with it and identify with the mission. To my mind it is no accident that the greatest and most popular of all the Greek myths that have come down to is the one of Odysseus: he may not have been as great a hero as Herakles and Theseus, who were all demi-gods in fact, but that means his story is more human, more available to us, and so we identify with him. It is no accident that everyone's journey is now termed an 'odyssey' after that great and experiential (if in places legendary!) story.
Finally, is your story Relevant? This is a key criteria for storytelling and it depends on our understanding the audience for whom we are telling the story. We may tell two very different stories, one for a business audience and one for our family and friends; each may be perfect for that audience, but completely inappropriate if told to the other audience. For this we need to develop empathy with people and with the 'tribes' we wish to persuade.
In business, then, or in life, how good are your stories and what do you need to do to find the real diamonds? Rest assured: we all have diamonds, but very few get to polish them to their true outstanding brightness.
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