Silver Seen Targeting Nearly 30% Price Gain for 2013

Today’s AM fix was USD 1,667.00, EUR 1,259.25 and GBP 1,024.96 per ounce. Yesterday’s AM fix was USD 1,674.50, EUR 1,261.49 and GBP 1,027.87 per ounce.
Cross Currency Table

Precious metals remained under pressure yesterday and closed with losses for both gold and silver. Gold closed down 0.2% or $3.50 to $1669.30/oz. Silver closed with a loss of 1.7% - down 54 cents to $31.10/oz.
Gold Spot $/oz. and 100, 200 and 465 Day SMAs– September 2011 To Today

Prices again crept gradually higher in Asian trading prior to some retrenchment in early European trading but dollar weakness was supporting gold and silver.
Further weakness could be seen and it is worth noting that gold and silver saw considerable weakness last December (see chart above) and both bottomed near year end on December 29th prior to strong gains in January 2012.

كتاب عن كيفية عمل خطة عمل او business plan للدكتور طارق السويدان

تعلم كيفية عمل خطة عمل لمشروعك خطوة بخطوة

ملف وورد 2007 يحتوى على الخطوات الفعلية لكتابة خطة العمل

يوضح لك من خلال الخطوات والبيانات كافة التفاصيل الهامة والتى يجب توافرها بخطة العمل

فقط قم بتحميل الملف

ثم قم بعمل نسخة ثانية للتعديل عليها

قم بتعديل البيانات المطلوبة بالملف الثانى

بالتوفيق ان شاء الله

رابط التحميل من Multiupload


الدستور المصرى الجارى التصويت عليه يوم 15/12/2013 للتحميل

هذا هو ناتج ثورتكم أيها المصريين فتوخوا الحذر حينما تقررون

الدستور المصرى الى سيتم التصويت عليه

نرجو التحميل والقراءه بعناية

واستخر ربك القدير ليعطيك الحكمة فى الاختيار

ثم قم بالاختيار وانت متوكل على الله

واعلم أن من سيأتى من بعدك من أجيال هم مسئولون منك مما قد قمت بإختياره

نسأل الله أن يوفق أهل مصر لما يحبه ويرضاهفهو يعلم ونحن لا نعلم

تحميل الدستور المصرى 2012 الصادر عن الجمعية التأسيسية

ميديا فاير

dostor masr 2012


لينك تحميل مباشر

dostor masr 2012

مالتى أبلود

dostor masr 2012

The Latest Adult Movies On Demand

Pornographic films otherwise known as porno films are popular, sexually explicit materials usually depicting scenes where adults are engaging in intercourse. Adult movies on demand are becoming more popular and available, and are also referred to as adult vod or pay per view porn. While these films might be for couples to enjoy together prior to their own sexual relations, adult movies on demand and adult vod in general is popular for masturbation purposes. For example if one does not have a mate, tuning into a film and pretending you are the giver or taker, or closing ones eyes and listening to screams from the dirty mouth of a porn actress, can do just the job for someone seeking to create their own half imagined wild experience.

Digital cameras and video technology have made it quite easy for couples to become adult video on demand stars in their own twisted Hollywood of broken wet dreams. Couples, even groups of people have gotten quite adventurous with their scenarios and role play, and it is all made available given technologys smooth strokes in the right digital direction. Perhaps couples have always been this kinky but with the emergence of web cameras and advanced digital devices, pay per view porn is available in many categories, tickling different folks fancies and sustaining the adult movie on demand industry.

One of the most scandalous pornographic genres might include voyeur or outdoor porn, where couple are in public places having intercourse. Although sex outdoors can be attributed to the survival of the human race, in this day and age it is socially unacceptable. This sort of risk taking appeals to many sex thrill seeking types and generally can make a person, couple or even groups of people cum that much harder. Not to mention the Jim or Jane Doe at home viewing that particular adult movie video on demand episode.

Since getting laid can be a time consuming process that does not end happily in every case, adult movies on demand appeal to the man or woman just looking for that hot release of pent up tension. With the adult vod websites, having an orgasm is as simple as clicking your mouse, unless of course your mouse or other pieces are not working properly. It is always advised that if technical difficulties are taking place to contact your adult vod provider, or if over masturbatory use is causing any physical issues to consult a physician. It is never advised to use sexually enhancing drugs without a prescription from your doctor, whether using in sexual intercourse or on a solo basis for pay per view porn viewing.

Adult Video On Demand Is All The Rage

Adult movies on demand are proving to be a fast, convenient resource for men and women to visualize their most wild, steamy horny fetish filled fantasies. But this does not come without some criticism. Since the beginning of the internet era there has been much criticism and concern about young people, including teens and children, who might able to access these materials which are in most cases intended for adult audiences only, in fact, it is illegal to target minors with pornographic materials and the consequences are quite serious should one or ones company get busted for featuring minors in any of their porno materials or get in trouble for featuring materials that cater or target people younger than 18 years of age.

VOD otherwise known as adult video on demand is also not approved of by most religious groups. It is considered sinful by most religious groups to masturbate yet alone indulge in the saucy pleasures of adult videos on demand. Adult entertainment pornographic films are a safer alternative to sex though, and while the church also discourages sex before people are happily married, it does not make much more sense for them to discourage masturbation and porn because these might prevent people from doing the hardcore sin, in the churches opinion, of people engaging in pre marital relations. Pre marital relations to most religious folk would include anything outside the range of hugging and kissing.

Realistically, once the teenage years roll around it is difficult for parents to monitor their online behavior let alone sexual behavior outside the house. For adults however, accessing porno chicks and dudes performing an array of sexual acrobatics is as easy as walking to refrigerator and grabbing a beer. There are tons of adult videos on demand to choose from, also classified as adult vod and might include fetish films from bathroom cameras to locker room cameras and other voyeuristic scenarios. Some men and women really enjoy watching flicks with a variety of interesting sex scenarios like role play and women dressed as teachers or medical practitioners.

Besides religious objections to people using pornography as a tool for masturbation or simply as inspiring art, spouses or those in relationships with people who like to use porn for the aforementioned reasons may also object. Adult vod is accessible and easy and might be more erotic to mates in stale relationships, or those seeking thrills without necessarily wanting to venture too far from home.

How to Transition Into a New Business

Today's article is about how to transition into a new business.Whether you're transitioning from a corporate job into a new business or if you are transitioning from one business to another, it can feel like a bit of an identity crisis. I know because I've done this twice.
The identity crisis and the angst comes from the fact that you don't want to lose income from the first business or job, but you also need to let others know about what you're doing. I have several tips for you today about how to transition from one into the other.
The very first thing I want to share with you is do not quit your day job just yet! For many years, I worked with clients who would let me know after the fact that they quit their day job, and they said, "Oh, I'm free and now I have all this time to spend on my new business." But they took their eye off the ball, if you will, in terms of what their bread and butter was. After a while, their income very quickly spiraled, which puts people into a fear place. I do not want that for you. Do not quit your day job. Instead, focus your attention on what is bringing in the money. Even if you're transitioning from one business to another, you don't want to put your full attention into the second business and forget what's bringing in the money.
Continue to give attention to job #1 or business #1, and then create extra time for your second venture.Perhaps you start working on your second business during the evenings and weekends. This is what I did in my transitions, both from corporate to my first business and from my first business to my second business.
The idea is that while you're still collecting a paycheck from either your first business or corporate, you create all of the marketing you need. This is where you start focusing on who is your ideal client, what is it that they need most, what is it that they are struggling with the most? Create a compelling message around this new business. Create your marketing materials. Create a marketing plan and decide how you will get out there in a big way while you're still collecting a paycheck.
Once you have those things in place, then it's time to begin networking your new business in a new group.Here's what I did in the beginning. I would go to a networking group at 7:30 in the morning, even though I was still working in corporate. I would market my new business and be at work by 9:00. If you're in your existing business, you keep networking for your existing business and then you find a different networking group and market your second business.
The idea is that you're riding two horses at the same time.That can be tiring, but it's less confusing and again, you want to continue getting that paycheck. Sometimes people ask me, "I'm carrying around two different business cards. Do I hand out two business cards or just one?" I believe that you hand out just one business card-whichever is more appropriate for that person. You don't want to confuse people.
Then once you're making enough income from your second business, that is the one that you start marketing full-time. Once you get at least enough to cover your basic expenses, then you shift your entire focus onto that one. Don't stop taking clients from the first one if you don't have to and then build the second one. That is how I've been able to transition twice and my clients have been able to do the same without losing any income and without sleepless nights.
Make the transition peacefully and easily.
Your Client Attraction Assignment
If you're thinking of transitioning into a new business, take these tips into consideration. Continue to get clients, continue to make money, and to be able to transition peacefully and easily.

Where to Find Real Diamonds in Your Marketing

Marketing, as Peter Drucker observed, was one of the two functions that alone made money for a business - all else was a cost. Thus it is PDI - Pretty Damned Important! It's a shame, therefore, that it only does - usually - half the job. True, that half it may do spectacularly well, but polished fake diamonds with all the branding collateral imaginable are still... only fake.
One of the most important things a business needs to do to sustain profits and ensure longevity is to create a compelling narrative about itself. The 'story' - or narrative - is the diamond (or diamonds) that the organisation owns and which reflects on its own being. Stories can clearly convey the value proposition more effectively than any other mechanism; they differentiate your product or service from the competition; they can justify premium pricing; and finally stories heal organisations (and individuals) where damage has been done.
But generally speaking what marketing companies and internal marketing functions do is polish, present and beautifully brand a 'false' diamond. A fake diamond sounds like this: 'committed to excellence' or 'quality first' or 'being the best' or 'we care for... ' You get the idea: cliché piled on cliché, based on a cliché-d mission statement that sounds just about like everybody else's mission statement. All false.
Real diamonds are found deep underground; for 'ground' here read 'subconscious'. And when they are found they don't look like diamonds - more like raw lumps of coal. Knowing where the diamonds are and how to dig for them is what most marketing companies don't do. Why? Because this is to enter the deep world of ambiguity and uncertainty - it's not part of the MBA course and it can't be done by ticking boxes or by having too systematic a process in place. And it can take time.
On the other hand, get a compelling story and the world - the customers - love you. Take Apple: their story - demonstrated in many ways - is that they are a philosophy company! They study the philosophy of aesthetics, and more particularly, the beauty of technology. Making profits is a by-product of their obsession with this beauty.
(As a sidebar, incidentally, imagining that making a profit is the primary purpose of a business is part of the cliché-d thinking that also militates against digging for real diamonds, and which leads to superficial, short-lived businesses that add little value.)
Thus, finding and extracting diamonds - stories/narratives - should be a primary function of marketing, since if it isn't they polish and present their client well, but alas with an artificial lustre.
Remember, narrative may be regarded as a primary act of mind - which means it involves thinking and feeling and knowing - it will come from the whole being and will be self-validating. This is a tall order. But I think such a narrative will pass five tests which - in a mad world - I call SANER. So ask yourself these five questions about your own stories.
First, is your story Sincere? Does it come from the heart or is it merely manufactured in the head? Put negatively, are you trying to be a clever-clogs? Stories that speak from the heart are the ones that convince, persuade and ultimately lead people to buy into your product or your proposition.
Second, is your story Authentic? By which I mean, is it genuine, or is it, like the diamonds we discussed earlier, fake? An authentic story has what JB Phillips in another context called the 'ring of truth' about it and one surprising aspect of this is that it often seems incredible; but the very incredibleness of it testifies to its validity. As GK Chesterton put it: "The difference between reality and fiction is that fiction has to be credible".
Third, is your story Noteworthy? And this means the opposite of trivial; but one point of clarification here might be: do not confuse 'small' with 'trivial' - sometimes the smallest incidents or effects can be hugely revealing in a story and add significantly to it.
Fourth, is your story Experiential? Another way of saying this might be: is it real, is it based on experience? The experiential quality of a story means more and more people can identify with it and identify with the mission. To my mind it is no accident that the greatest and most popular of all the Greek myths that have come down to is the one of Odysseus: he may not have been as great a hero as Herakles and Theseus, who were all demi-gods in fact, but that means his story is more human, more available to us, and so we identify with him. It is no accident that everyone's journey is now termed an 'odyssey' after that great and experiential (if in places legendary!) story.
Finally, is your story Relevant? This is a key criteria for storytelling and it depends on our understanding the audience for whom we are telling the story. We may tell two very different stories, one for a business audience and one for our family and friends; each may be perfect for that audience, but completely inappropriate if told to the other audience. For this we need to develop empathy with people and with the 'tribes' we wish to persuade.
In business, then, or in life, how good are your stories and what do you need to do to find the real diamonds? Rest assured: we all have diamonds, but very few get to polish them to their true outstanding brightness.

3 Mistakes Cosmetic Surgeons Make on Google AdWords

In general, Google AdWords is a great medium for reaching new patients.
However, when certain principles that make an AdWords campaign successful are not followed the campaign ends up being an expense and not a revenue generator.
Keep in mind that the whole point of AdWords is to buy clicks to your website, maximize response rates, and in the end get new patients at an affordable cost.
This article explains 3 mistakes that are sure fire ways to waste money and increase new patient acquisition costs.
Mistake No. 1. Sending all of your traffic to the home page or having too many options on your landing pages.
Numerous studies confirm that more choices lessen response rates. This is called "The Paradox of Choice." Once people arrive on your website there should be 1 or 2 actions they have a choice of. For example someone searching "rhinoplasty" will be distracted by links and navigation to other types of surgeries.
What you should not do is send all traffic from your ads to the home page. If you're practice includes many different kinds of cosmetic surgeries you will lose potential by not taking them to a page about the kind of surgery they just did a search for.
Or if you already do that, you need to lessen choices on that page down to 1 or 2 options. Once someone does a search for "breast augmentation" the visitor does not need to links where they can explore every different surgery you provide.
To maximize response rates it's important that you give website visitors good information and a compelling reason to want to contact you. This includes testimonials, credentials, before and after pics, social proof, etc.
Mistake No. 2. Boring bland ad copy. You're advertisements need to pass the "so what" test, meaning people should not be able to read your Google ads and say "so what" after them.
Invest time and energy into developing your own unique selling proposition from there good ads will follow.
Mistake No. 3 Track conversions. In order to be successful with AdWords you must track conversions. The easiest way to do this is having a new patient questionnaire on your website that visitors need to fill out in order to book a free consultation. Once a potential new client fills out that form, have your web designer place Google's own conversion tracking script on the page the person sees often called a "thank you page."
This allows you to track which keywords drive new appointments and which keywords are not as effective. This means you can eliminate wasteful spending and allocate more budget towards keywords and ads that work.
The reason for doing this is because you want acquire new patients at a certain cost so you can maintain profit margins.
In addition to your own fees there's anesthesia, operating room fees, along with standard office expenses and payroll.
Avoid these 3 common AdWords mistakes and you'll be on your way towards running more effective campaigns. This will save you money on your AdWords bill, and also may increase new patients taken from your existing ad spend.
If the points in this article made sense and you suspect you could be doing better with your online marketing contact me today about a market profitability audit.

Tips on Buying the Best Promotional Products

Advertising is extremely important to the success of any business, and if you do not have an effective method of advertising it is likely that you will find it very difficult to sell your products or services effectively. This is especially the case in a day and age where there is so much competition from rival companies, and if you do not get to the customers first then there is always a big chance that someone else will, unless of course you happen to be offering something that nobody else is - which rarely turns out to be the case.
No, if you want to win in the dog eat dog world of modern business you will need to develop an effective advertising campaign that can reach large numbers of people. However, what if you do not happen to have enough capital to invest in advertising and instead may have to rely on conventional methods of advertising such as using brochures and flyers. Some companies certainly are able to spend millions of dollars every year on advertising, but smaller businesses are likely to have a lot more problems with this, so finding cheaper yet still effective methods of advertising is quite important.
The good news in this case is that there are still a lot of simple advertising methods that you could get into, and they could turn out to provide you with a considerable amount of success if you get them right. One thing you could do is have the logo of your business or even your slogan printed out on different promotional products and then have these products given out to customers who purchase your services or main products. This is a good way to ensure that the word gets out about your business and what it is that you are offering the world.
The way it works is when you give one of your customers a T-shirt with the name of your business written on it, for example. Then, when this person walks down the street wearing your T it will be advertising done for free, since anyone who walks by that person might see the shirt he is wearing. This is a simple method of advertising that companies have been using for a very long time already, and the reason for this is because it is known to be very effective.
You do not need to feel like it will be necessary to stick to a plain looking logo either. You can instead feel free to try out a number of attractive different layouts and designs that will be sure to attract attention, and this is really what effective advertising is all about anyway. The more people that you can get to have a look at what you are offering, the higher the chance that someone will eventually want to buy it. If you have a look online you will be able to find a lot of great stores from where it is possible to purchase customized promotional products.

Some Important Direct Marketing Services Tools

Marketing is one of the most important tasks that are conducted by almost all the business types to make the customers aware about the benefits related to the product. This strategy further helps in increasing the productivity of the company and reaps substantial profits. In order to initialize good sales, the company not just relies on advertisements, but also transforms business strategies into useful marketing techniques that can raise the productivity. Direct marketing is one of the new trends in the market, which involves selling the product directly to the customers, bypassing distribution channels and other intermediaries. There are various direct marketing tools such as advertising, database, telephone marketing and internet marketing to reach the customers in the most convenient form.
· Advertising
The ability to build a brand name and create awareness among the people about the product is done with the assistance of advertising. This technique helps in pulling the customers to physical or online stores and is considered as push advertising that makes use of fliers, direct mail, coupon, social media with call back numbers and even door to door visits to publicize the product and also its services directly to the customers.
· Internet marketing
This is another strategy that is considered as a form of direct marketing and is quite popular among various business organizations of its ease of use, low advertising cost and also the ability to reach a wide spectrum of audience. It is one of the primary tools for delivering personalized marketing messages directly to the individuals as well as businesses. Nowadays, most of the businesses are also making use of social media techniques such as Facebook, Twitter and many other social networking sites. The best part about this service is that it drives marketing relationships with potential customers by also making use of email marketing campaigns.
· Database
The most important requirement of direct marketing services is that it requires direct business to customer contact and hence a database helps in generating names and contact information of potential customers that can be directly contacted for marketing the product or service. There are many businesses that create their own database by compiling a list of clients to contact them either through email, call or SMS.
However, it is important to keep in mind that marketing is subject to certain rules and regulations and make sure that you are not troubling the customer by making calls on 'Do not call' list and other requirements that are aimed at protecting consumer privacy.

Marketing Strategies for Medical Practices

Marketing a medical practice is incomplete with an advertisement or two. Announcing yourself in the healthcare industry with just local media advertising will not help you achieve practice success. And marketing without networking will not only fail, but also give you sleepless nights. In such case, a methodical and tactical approach is required. Structuring a carefully thought marketing plan is good to start with. Market analysis, market strategy, implementation and follow-up should make it to the priority list of your marketing campaign. Deliverability of the plan will depend on how well you engage in acquiring background information. We look at some of the avenues that you can explore in order to generate more patients.
Before stepping on the gas, consider the availability of the funds. How much are you comfortable spending? Does your budget allow you to cross the limits? Such calculations will help you determine what tactics are useful for your practice. An appropriate mix of networking, advertising/promotion and community outreach would do wonders for you.
Building a relationship with the local physicians is necessary in order to be considered for referrals. Make sure the bonding between you and the local doctors is based on respect and mutual benefit. For that to happen, you need to discover new physicians in town or hospitals. Rendezvous them in conferences, events and community meetings. Arranging a friendly lunch or dinner might not be a bad idea. Keep a database of physicians you have met.
Invite local papers and indulge in press conferences to call you as an expert. To make sure that everything falls into place, have a portfolio that includes your photo, CV, specialties, and a list of lectures and articles you are willing to prepare. Plus, you can use the power of press releases.
Create a user-friendly website that will clear patient queries and lure them to your clinic. Focus on the content part more than anything else. Your website should contain vital information, which includes medical philosophy, the services offered, health plans you honor, information about your physicians, directions and maps. Mention upcoming seminars and workshops, if you offer any. Post newsletters on the website along with FAQs.
Stay in touch with your patients even after they have received treatment. Send out practice newsletters full of practical health tips and issues on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis. Send thank you cards and contact them on a regular basis to ask about if they need information on any particular issue.
To get the most out of your medical marketing plan, you need your staff support. Without their contribution, you stand nowhere. Set the record straight and ask your supporting team to be involving.

Trading Signals Of Stock Exchanges

Trading in stock exchanges is very common these days but still make people end up making blunders when it comes to decision making related to buy and sell. Markets are highly volatile and so it is necessary to keep a track of each and every movement in the market. However, this work can be tedious if you do it all manually plus if you are engaged in some other work or have a business of your own, then you might not get time to go through entire day's activity on the stock exchange.
If you subscribe to trading signals then you will be updated on the important aspects of the market and vital movement of each day. Stock markets are diverse and the service providers will get you every bit of information that might affect your decisions through trading signals which will help you make a wise move regarding buy or sell.
For people who have just entered the stock markets, trade signals are very useful and for those who wish to make huge investments, trade signals act like a boon. Nobody can judge what forces affect the stock markets to take a positive or negative turn, but if we have regular updates then we can at least predict the near future and prepare ourselves.
There are people who deal in foreign currency, for those Forex alerts are very important because Forex markets are affected by governors of each country. It is essential to have right information for making a right trade. Dealing in Forex is the easy way to make money and for this many companies send out free forex signals to their subscribers so that they can plan out their investments strategies.
It is obvious that Forex trading is highly risky because of the volatility it possesses and also that if one trader is earning profits through arbitration, somewhere another trader is suffering losses. Therefore they keep a continuous watch on forex signals in order to stay in profits and avoid losses. With these signals the traders develop strategies, apply their knowledge and invest at the time when there are chances of huge profits to be earned. This is the reason why people are getting attracted towards forex trading today.
Many websites online have free forex signals but it is hard to rely as many can be misleading too. So before you decide to follow any of the websites, it is preferable to take feedback from others or else go for demo trading on the website to have an idea about the way they deal.

7 Email Marketing Best Practices to Generate Leads

Email marketing is still the best way for brands to communicate directly with a large audience of prospective customers. When planning email campaigns it is essential to review best practice in order to not only get the best results, but to also stay within legal limits set up by certain legislation. While there is a long list of tips and rules when it comes to email marketing, some of the most important ones are those that can help your brand generate and nurture leads.
Use Incentives to Increase Open Rates
Studies have shown that including an incentive in your subject lines can increase open rates by up to 50%. Just be sure not to exaggerate any offer in order to trick subscribers into opening a mail. Your subject line must always be honest while also not using wording that might alert spam filters that will send your mailer to the trash.
Keep the focus of the message and Call-to-Action above the fold
In order to capture the immediate attention of your email recipient, you need to communicate clearly and swiftly. Time-starved subscribers have nor the time nor the patience to scroll through lengthy mails in order to learn what it's about. You need to able to convey your core message and most importantly the call-to-action in a matter of seconds and the best way to do that is to keep those two elements above the fold.
Put Your Logo in the Upper Left-Hand Side of the Email
This may sound like an insignificant alteration to make, but eye tracking studies have found that people instinctively look for logos in the upper left-hand side of emails. If you're setting up a new campaign it would make sense to experiment with this interesting tactic.
Compelling Subject Lines
Subject lines are one of the most talked-about points of email marketing and for good reason. A subject line could ultimately determine whether a subscriber chooses to open an email or send it to the trash folder. In order to maximise your chances of success in generating new leads, it is vital to spend time of writing subject lines that are succinct, clever, as well as honest and attention grabbing.
Auto-Responders for Opt-Ins
It is an unfortunate but common occurrence for subscribers to forget that they did in fact opt-in to receive your mailers. This is bad, since many of these forgetful subscribers could end up flagging your emails as spam which could potentially damage your sender reputation. Set up an auto-responder that reminds people they opted in to your email database. The auto-responder should be sent out 1- 10 days after the person opts in to your list. Each auto-responder email should include additional content or bonus material to reward the reader for opting in.
Stick to Fewer Than 3 Typefaces
This is also a strange sounding tip, but it is actually quite important. Many subscribers are prone to make a judgement on your email by sizing up the look and feel of the email design. A design that is too busy will be distracting and even look unprofessional. Visual content marketing is a new way of thinking about how to utilize the 'look' of your emails to generate more response - make sure that your emails look pleasing and professional.
Always test
Before a campaign is sent out it is important to always test beforehand. Whether your test includes split or A/B testing or simply sending it on to a colleague for their honest opinion - make sure that everything is in order and that your message is clear.

Network Marketing and Success With Multiple Streams of Income

This past year my wife and I attended "Celebration". This is a yearly gathering of network marketing associates from the company we represent. If you have never had the pleasure of attending such an event let me provide a basic description of what I observed. The room was filled with several thousand people who responded to those on-stage as if they were rock stars. People were jumping up and clapping and cheering throughout the course of the weekend with unbridled enthusiasm. The excitement was palpable and was shared by everyone in the room. It became obvious that there was a symbiotic relationship between the presenters and those in attendance. I quickly came to understand that the "rock stars" on stage were in possession of information that everyone in that room wanted to have. Furthermore, the rock stars were eager to impart it to us. They wanted us to become rock stars as well and they had no desire to deny us anything that may prove useful to our success. All of their knowledge and experience was there for the taking.
This is important. It is in the best interest of network marketing companies that each of their associates is wildly successful and achieves all of their goals. At least in the case of legitimate companies, your success is their success... and visa-versa. A good company understands that if they cannot create results for you then you will not remain committed to network marketing. They want you to make money, and to do so quickly and efficiently. As a result, many network marketing companies attempt to provide associates with systems and tools to increase the likelihood of success by simplifying the process of doing business. The idea, not unlike a restaurant franchise, is to create a system that is easy to explain, easy to use, and ultimately easy to replicate. So what separated those wildly successful people on stage from everyone else in the room? If all of these tools are available to you and me, what made the rock stars so successful? The difference is not in the tools used, but in the motivation behind their use.
I noted something significant about those on stage. My company has managed to create over 80 millionaires from 2002 until 2012. I began to develop an understanding of what traits all of them seemed to have in common. My thought was that if I could develop an understanding of what facilitates their success, then I could begin to develop those traits in myself, as well as the associates I bring into the company. My wife and I have had our share of success, but we have not made our first million... yet. In the end I believe there are three different facilitators which brought those millionaires to the stage that weekend.
A bigger than life personality
Everyone knows people like this. They are the people that enter after the party has started and immediately control the room. People want to be around them and want to be like them. Unfortunately, not everyone is capable of changing who they are. I have no issue in striking up a conversation with virtually anyone, but that doesn't mean that I will ever be the life of the party. This trait is, therefore, probably the most difficult to develop. With that said, I do believe that as a person becomes more and more comfortable with themselves in the role of a network marketer their ability to communicate will inevitably improve. You can develop your people skills.
Desperation can be an amazing facilitator. One of the speakers at the event talked of being on the verge of losing everything. She was ill, her husband had lost his job, and they had several small children. This now millionaire came to the realization that failure was not an option, and that success was the only viable path available to her. She walked the path regardless of the difficulties and fears she felt. Desperation is an incredibly strong motivator; however not everyone finds themselves in such a desperate place. Furthermore, there are those that allow trials to defeat them, instead of motivate them. I see failure as a means by which a person's path is defined. It should never be viewed as a road block preventing all future progress. Instead, failure simply pushes us in new directions until we find what we have been looking for.
The big "why"
For those of you who have read some of my writings from the past you will recognize the "why" facilitator. I cannot claim the "why" question as my invention. Many motivational speakers and writers refer to it. For those who do not recognize the concept though, I will offer a brief synopsis. Most people spend their lives attempting to identify the "how" of success; i.e. How can I get the promotion?; How can I expand my business?; How do I achieve financial independence? In reality, the key to success is in understanding your "why". There are as many ways to facilitate incredible success as there are people in the world. Most people, however, only have one or two "why's" to explain their desire for success. If your "why" is big enough then your "how" is at best a minor issue. The "how" will come in turn. Of the three traits discussed here, this is the one I believe has the best chance for creating the success you desire.
I consider these to be the primary facilitators to wild success. But what are the motivators that drive a person seek out success in the first place? What do most people want out of life? When broke down into the simplest understanding there are two motivators that drive people in my opinion.
Now before this claim generates unnecessary consternation, let me clarify. The amount of money someone thinks they need is on a sliding scale. For most people in the world whatever you have is just short of what you think you "need"... don't blame me... there is research to back up this claim. However, this idea can be better understood in the following context.
Everyone decides how much money they think they need and what they need it for. A person may decide that they need a million dollars because they want to give it all away, or they want to provide for their children after they are gone. Therefore, it does not have to be greed that drives a person to want more money; rather, it is what a person wants to do with that money that motivates them to financial success. Furthermore, financial success has as many meanings as there are people in the world. Even a drunk transient living in the desert wants money, if for no other reason than to feed their alcohol habit. Remember the "why" facilitator? The "why", more than anything else, determines how much money a person thinks he needs and the level of motivation they feel to achieve it.
What good is all the money in the world if you do not have a minimal level of health and fitness which allows you to enjoy it? Regardless of what your plans for wealth may be, your ability to employ those plans is limited by poor health. It goes without saying that there are health issues that are outside of a person's control. Hereditary diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease can play a major role in hindering success and the desire to achieve it. Despite this fact, there are very few people in the world who do not have a burning desire to be as healthy as possible, and for good reason. Virtually everyone would like to enjoy the life they have made for themselves, regardless of how that life manifests itself. No matter your starting point everyone's goal should be to be as healthy as you can be.
My relationship with my kids has helped define what a truly successful life looks like. My kids have made it clear that they would give up everything they have if it increased the amount of time I could dedicate to them. I have therefore learned that my bank accounts value will never exceed the value of my time. I have had opportunities throughout my public sector career for voluntary overtime or off-duty work. I have regularly avoided these opportunities, and instead gone home to my family. Wealth accumulation must always be seen as a means to an end, and not the end itself. If your focus is on stockpiling money, you will never be satisfied. You will always want more because the act of accumulation will become the goal. It is not until you find your purpose behind becoming wealthy that you can truly feel successful.
I have never understood the millionaire who achieved that status by working 16 hours a day. What's the point? I liken it to a drug addict who spends most of their day trying to scrape up enough funds just to get another hit. They never really get to enjoy their efforts. I never want to be that guy, and in my opinion, neither should you.
The key is to find a balance. You must discover a path to financial freedom that does not interfere with your enjoyment of that freedom. Most wildly successful people will tell you that this is achieved through multiple streams of income and building a residual income. Some examples of how this can be achieved include:
Write a book
Create and monetize a website or blog
Create a product
Find a successful network marketing opportunity
How are these examples different from a typical "job"? Once any one of these residual income sources is created, it will continue to provide you with a steady stream of income even when you take a day off. You will continue to make money while you are on vacation. Furthermore, once a residual income source is created you have a great deal of flexibility in regards to how much time you dedicate to it. Conversely, a traditional job is limiting. You can only make as much money as defined by your employer. You can only make more money by working more hours. In the end, there are only so many hours in the day. Finally, if you have several sources of income working for you at the same time, if one of them goes away then you still have several other income streams. This is extremely important in a time when so many people are out of a job.
I have done several of the things listed above. I am a published author, I run a web-site, I have created products and I run a successful network marketing business. Network marketing holds a special place in my heart for several reasons:
1. The business consists primarily of talking to people throughout my day. I talk to the clerk at the store; the guy fixing my tire, and my next door neighbor. I would have done this anyway. Now it makes me money.
2. I would use the products from my company regardless of whether or not I made any money. The product line has truly changed my life and the life of my family.
3. My particular company addresses both of the motivators previously discussed. It has improved my health and increased my wealth. Why wouldn't I talk to people about it?
4. I feel like I am part of a family consisting of thousands of people all looking to promote my efforts. What a fantastic support system.
5. My company wants nothing more than for me to experience wild success.
My hope with this article is that I have motivated you to find your path to financial freedom. That path is determined by discovering your motivation, and a means to facilitate that motivation. The issue is not determining the "how" of your success. The truth of the matter that there are so many ways to achieve financial success and that the real difficulty lies in narrowing down the possibilities. For many of you, your limitations are produced b y a negative attitude rather than a lack of ability, skill or talent. Network marketing is an excellent first step in building up multiple streams of income. Each stream you create will open the door a little more towards achieving financial independence. Feel free to contact me in regards to identifying your own path to success.

Network Marketing Is All About Duplication

DUPLICATION is the KEY to building a successful home based business and SYSTEMS are the Key to Duplication.
After great effort of time and money, we have built an Amazing Automated Marketing & Training System for GIA reps called the 'Retire Prosperous' Duplication System. You can try it absolutely FREE for 30 Days to please review this page and try it as it can help you grow your business.
In traditional old school network marketing, we were taught to contact our prospects one by one, belly to belly or eyeball to eyeball, but that myth has been replaced with AUTOMATED ONLINE DUPLICATION SYSTEMS that allow you to SORT AND SIFT through hundreds or thousands of prospects and allow you to contact THOSE WHO ARE SERIOUS!
The 'Retire Prosperous' Automated Marketing & Training System will show you how to reach a lot more prospects, and will automatically tell the GIA story for you so that prospects are a lot more likely to join your business.
I will use the analogy of prospecting here. Gold miners in Alaska used a gold pan. They scoop sand and gravel from a river bottom into their pan and then they wash the content again and again until all that is left in the bottom of the pan are tiny flecks of gold or in some cases nuggets.
That is what this sales funnel does and you can do this on a small scale with a pan or you can do it on a big scale with a front loader and a bigger sluice box. The amount of names you put in the funnel determine how many come out the other end.
The 1st phase of the SALES FUNNEL PROCESS is the EXPOSURE STEP. When your prospect goes to your unique, personalized website, they will be on the Exposure Step page where they will see a great 6 minute Professional Video by Kurt Wilkins that plays automatically. At the end of the video a Capture form appears so they can enter their First Name and Email address and see the next step. This is the opt in process that automatically triggers the prospects receiving a professionally written series of emails that talk about the income opportunity in GIA.
The Next Step in the FUNNEL PROCESS is that prospects hear the PRESENTATION STEP (or SALES PAGE). In GIA we do a LIVE Prospecting Call every Tuesday night and one of the best calls is automatically played when they open the second page. It also show photos of all the participants on the call. This gives prospects the whole story about GIA in a powerful way that can be duplicated by EVERYONE using this system.
On the 'Validation Page', prospects will watch a Video that plays automatically about the GIA Abundance Plan with testimonials. Under that video, are 4 more videos that can be played to educate the prospect about our great products. Then there is a green button prompting the prospect to start using our products and/or make money (which will direct the prospect to your GIA replicated site where they can join)!

Email Marketing - Communicate Properly With Your Subscribers

List of Good Email Marketing Practices
  1. Build a list of people that will benefit from your message. Your campaign starts with a list of emails. The more contacts that you have on your list the better. But what is the good of having 100,000 contacts if 90% of them are not interested in what your message is?

  2. Capture 100% opt-ins by giving your prospects the option to sign up through trade shows, website or social media newsletter sign-up.

  3. There are some pretty cool email marketing softwares for purchase out there but I prefer to use online email software. Its cost-effective, scalable and created to be very user friendly. When it comes to these platforms some are good and some are bad. I prefer i-Contact.

  4. Build a branded template to represent your companies image. You usually have the option to choose from pre-built templates or for a more customized design you can hire an expert to build your vision.

  5. Schedule specific messages to coincide with key events you want to highlight.

  6. Run click-through reports to find out what groups are interested in what service or product you offer. Then bundle those groups into specific lists that receive those specific campaigns.

  7. Link your messages with any social media accounts you have set up. this increases your visibility.

  8. Educate yourself with CAN-SPAM Act. Always give your recipients the option to opt-out of your messages.

  9. Utilize the multiple reporting features you have at your disposal. This is how you will refine your marketing and find out what is workin and what isn't.

  10. Create a interconnected web-work online. Link you campaign to you website, social media, blogs etc.
List of Bad Email Marketing Practices
  1. Don't purchase your list. This is a big no no and can get you black listed. There are plenty of companies on the web that will sell you email lists. The problem is that they sell those same lists to hundreds of other people. Imagine being one of the people on those lists and getting bombarded by all these companies. Someone will complain and that's when people get blacklisted.

  2. Send your messages using a business email. When your message comes across and its sent from [blahblah@gmail.com] it just doesn't seem as professional.

  3. Do not add people to your list without them knowing. Its against the CAN-SPAM Act. and the law.

  4. Most email messaging software requires that you have an opt-out option on you email, however if there isn't, make sure you don't send without it.

  5. Don't try to jam too much content into one blast. This could overwhelm the recipient and turn them off.

  6. Keep your design consistent. Don't send out a circus of images and content. Your message should revolve around the brand of your company.

  7. Try not to message to often. Once a day could make people angry.

  8. Don't send with just images. Most email providers have images turned off by default. If you have text the recipient will at least know what the message is about until they can activate images.

  9. Don't send without an online link to your email message. If people cannot see the message in their email they will be redirected to an online version where they can see you message.

  10. Don't forget to study your reports to see what your market wants.

How To Make $100 a Day

How To Start A Blog

How To Get Started With Your Blog

You heard how blogging can help your business and how you can make extra money through blogging by placing ads of products in your niche. But how do you get started?
A variety of blogging platforms exist today, but the most used are WordPress and Blogger. Both are easy to set up and connect with social media, but Blogger does not offer as many opportunities for generating revenue, and Blogger has set templates and you can customise them, but they still look and feel the same as others who use blogger. WordPress has the ability to upload custom made templates so that it will look and feel more like a website than a blog.
Once you have chosen your platform, you are going to have to invest some money into it. You need your own domain name which will increase your credibility. Any affiliate links could be part of some articles or part of the widgets in the sidebar. Your own website will also give you more control over the blog's design, content and advertising. A domain name is not expensive, it costs you less than $10 per year. Hosting costs between $4 and $10 per month.
Once you have a domain name and hosting, it is literally two or three clicks and your WordPress platform is installed. I use custom made WordPress templates that I bought online. There are also many free templates available which you can customise to look unique. You can change the background, the header picture, and add your logo. Many templates also give you a choice as to which colour you want, how many columns you want, and where you want the sidebar.
Blogging daily will help you drive more traffic to your site, especially if you send your article links to your social media and bookmarking sites and have many followers there. If your followers then share your posts with others, you can attract more prospects. If you then also make sure you ping your blog to many ping directory services, you will get even more traffic.
You can also start conversations on social media sites like LinkedIn, as well as participate on forums in your niche. Having your link in your signature will drive traffic to your blog as well.
Blogging has helped many companies to establish more interaction with their clients and prospects. With a blog you can make statements quickly and publicly and reach many of your clients. Start your blog today.

Making Your Presentations Exciting

Making a presentation is an opportunity to get your message across and convince your audience that your idea is something that should be considered. Whether it's to educate them in a training situation or whether you are presenting an idea to your company, creating a presentation that is entertaining, engaging and memorable, need not fill you with fear. If you are passionate about what you do, believe in yourself, your idea or subject matter, you are half way there.
You can never be too prepared! Knowing your subject inside out will allow you to feel confident enough to get on with the job and when a member of the audience asks you a question, you will be equipped to answer successfully. Know your audience and why they have come to see you speak. This will help you construct your presentation precisely to keep them interested. Connecting with your audience is something you want to do as quickly as possible to maintain their interest. Keeping them engaged can be a difficult task so make your presentation exciting by using visual aids, not only will they help you interact with the audience, they will help prompt and guide you when nerves threaten to take over.
Using visuals is considered essential in a modern presentation and luckily we have the technology to hand that allows us to do so much more than the old fashioned overhead projector could ever do! By adding music, video, photos, graphs, charts or animation you will enhance your message and help your audience digest the subject matter. Using other materials can be very effective. Passing around a handout so that the audience have something to follow whilst you continue your presentation always works well. People make a deeper connection if they have something tangible in their hands. You could use flip charts to write ideas or comments and by using foamex or foamboards that can be bought from a graphic design supplier, you can add a display or produce mock up version of an advertising campaign or create a model of a new packaging idea.
Take time over your content. Any visual aid you want to add should be used to enhance and reinforce your presentation and not used as a filler to pad it out. Add content to challenge your audience, make them think and stretch their perceptions about a certain subject. How you get your message across should be carefully considered. Preaching at an audience will certainly make them switch off but presenting your topic in the most entertaining way possible, making them laugh, using interesting anecdotes perhaps, will win them over, keeping them attentive and amused.


Dealing With Conflict Issues With Members of Your Staff

One of the contributing factors to workplace conflict is interpersonal gossip among employees. If this is allowed to run rampant in your office, the results will invariably be unpleasant and contain a great deal of conflict. As a supervisor or business owner, you should keep gossip at a minimum by making it clear that it is not welcome as well as by refusing to indulge in it yourself. Fostering an air of teamwork among employees is also recommended to those who want to discourage conflict in their offices. For instance, if you nurture a competitive environment among your employees rather than focusing on the merits of teamwork, you will be setting the stage for conflict among co-workers.
Begin With an Initial Meeting in a Neutral Environment
When conflict among employees becomes evident, it is important to address the issue as soon as possible so that it does not continue to grow. Meeting privately with the individuals in question should be the first step toward conflict resolution. Taking sides during these discussions will not be conducive to the resolution process, so resist the temptation to side with one employee over another, even if that is how your honestly feel. Your participation at this stage should be primarily that of listening.
Attempt to Reach a Solution Together
The next stage is to conduct a resolution meeting with both employees present in which you all work together for ways to not allow conflict to interfere with workplace production. Clear ground rules should be set for the discussion in order to maximize positive results. For instance, each employee should be allowed to speak his or her piece without being interrupted, called names or outright blames for being the source of the problem. The discussion should be kept on track rather than allowed to veer off into unrelated issues or subjects.
Retain Objectivity With a Professional Mediation Service
A professional mediation service may be the best way to deal with employee conflict because the mediator will be a purely objective participant. Sometimes, others in the office, including members of the management team, can be too close to the situation to effectively be a factor in working out an optimal solution.
Keep Good Records Throughout the Process
If either employee refuses to back down or will not agree to a sensible compromise, you may have no choice but to initiate disciplinary action. If written employee policies have been violated, it is advised that you strictly follow company protocol in dealing with the violations. Keeping a log of all actions taken during the conflict resolution process will protect you from possible legal action if the situation becomes so bad that one or both employees have to be terminated.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7384744

how to make Make Training for Human Resource

For each company, human resource training courses involve subject matters on employees and legally-associated aspects critical to employment. To maintain the quality of the services rendered by the HR department, honing the skills of the employees by training them through these courses is crucial.
However, though the topics covered are unquestionably significant they can still lull the participants to sleep, should the speaker drone on with the lecture for hours on end. When this happens, the efforts of all those involved, whether speaker or participant, are wasted.
Maximizing the opportunity begins by enlivening the course through the efforts of the speaker/s or trainer/s. If you have been tasked to play this part, making the strongest impact and most valuable learning entails engaging the participants into a highly motivational and interesting with these tried and tested methods:
Handling topics on human resources and training can be quite a challenge, especially if they touch on dryer topics like the FMLA, ADA, job description writing or harassment. Ready yourself beforehand by creating a good plan to engage your audience. Standing in front and reading the lecture or law aloud exactly as it is stated in the book or manual is not what training is about. Get creative and liven up your discussion using a combination of appropriate but interesting visual aids and media support. Learn from the methods of previous effective discussions and use examples taken from real work situations.
Focus more on providing training that is HR- associated. Ensure learning by doing follow-up readings and discussions. When it comes to employee performance management and their work needs, managers and supervisors are in charge. In terms of discussing harassment and law-suit cases involving employees, being the employer, it is critical that you show them you how you have taken definite action to address pressing issues.
Regale your audience with real stories told in an engaging manner. Do your best to use elements taken from real-world, real-work-life situations and experiences. If you are conducting an internal training, use your own first-hand experiences. You can also boost your story using researches taken from true circumstances.
Find out what particular training are mandatory in your state or industry. If neither one applies, determine what timely topics should be covered to best equip your audience with the learning they need.
In educating your employees on proper conduct and guidance, ascertain that your employee handbook or manual has the right standards and policies indicated. You also benefit from having the right policies because they give you the required back up to ensure their implementation in your workplace.
Enlivening your training discussion means getting dead serious about the significance of providing the activity in the first place. Remember that should your employees incompetently handle a legal issue, the consequences can lead to serious losses for the company. Because you are held responsible for conducting the mandatory training, make the most out of it by serving yours and your employees' best interests.
Digna Smith is a content writer/editor and visual artist who writes about helpful topics on a variety of subjects, especially human resources and training and personal development and managemen

How To Improve Your Online Conversion By 300% Or More

By Michael Fleischner
Do I have your attention? Anyone trying to make a living online is interested in one thing, improving conversions. As an Internet marketing veteran, I’ve seen plenty of web sites and blogs miss one their biggest opportunities for growth. The answer is actually quite simple, making the most of your list.
Maybe you have your own email list of fifty-thousand names or more. Perhaps you have a small list of just a few dozen prospects who have emailed you questions or comments. Regardless of where you begin, having a list is only part of the equation. The most successful marketers I know utilize their list in a variety of ways to build relationships and sell products that are a win-win for both buyer and seller.
The first way to utilize your list is through an auto responder sequence. If you’re not using an auto responder, I advise you to search for auto responder services online. Popular services like Aweber only charge around twenty dollars per month, allowing you to send unlimited messages. These messages should position you as an expert, provide purchase ideas, and continually provide value.
The second way to use your list effectively is to provide pre-notification of product launches. There are many super affiliates that use their list in this manner, generating tens of thousands of dollars per month. Once you know of an affiliate product being launched within a six to eight week period, map out a pre-launch communication plan that reaches out to individuals prior to launch. This may include access to product information, downloads, videos, etc., to build anticipation around launch day. When launch day comes, create a sense of immediacy and scarcity – purchases will ensue.
The third way to leverage the power of your list is through referrers, building an even larger list that you can communicate with. Are you asking those who sign up for your list to refer your company, products, or services to others? Make your emails easy to forward and encourage referrals. This is a great way to reach individuals who are more likely to value your content and accept your offers.

The final method for leveraging an email list is to communicate on a regular basis. Your auto-responder sequence should integrate a series of messages spread out over time. By continually staying in front of your list and utilizing the content that you have to provide value, these individuals will stay engaged and have a higher propensity to purchase from you.

The time to start building your email list is now. In parallel, be sure to focus your energies on leveraging that list using the proper techniques. Having a great list is fine but unless you utilize it properly, you’ll never see the true value inherent in the list itself.

Improve Search Engine Rankings With Proper Keyword Research

By Michael Fleischner
The best way to achieve search engine dominance is by focusing on keyword research. As a search engine optimization consultant, I’ve worked with hundreds of companies that miss this very important step. Achieving top search engine rankings is largely based on the competitiveness of the keyword phrase you are trying to optimize for. If your competitor is in the top spot with a well entrenched web site, then your chances of out ranking him may be limited.
In addition to focusing on a keyword phrase that doesn’t have strong competition, you need to find terms that are frequently searched on. I recently finished a consulting assignment for a foundation trying to optimize their website. They had top rankings for a keyword term that seemed to be somewhat desirable. However, keyword research proved that the term received less than 100 searches per month. As a result, top rankings for this keyword phrase were nearly meaningless.
Once you have found a keyword phrase that isn’t too competitive and receives an adequate number of monthly searches, the next step is to thoroughly check out your competition. Google the keyword phrases you want to optimize for a run a back link check on the top three ranked web sites. This indicates the strength of those web sites relative to their search engine ranking. The more links, the more difficult it will be to rank higher than they do without some type of sustained link building campaign.
After doing your keyword research and confirming your choice of keywords and keyword phrases, it’s time to focus on improving your web pages around the keywords you’ve selected. Enhance your meta tags, titles, and web copy to include your keyword phrases. This helps to tell the search engines what your web site is about so it can rank your site appropriately. In addition to the on page factors, Google weighs off page factors to determine web site ranking.
Off page optimization requires a sustained effort that uses new content and additional links from third party websites. The most effective strategies are the most basic. Begin with a link building plan. Focus on article directories, web site directories, blogs, social bookmarking sites, and other resources where you can establish in bound links.
Your plan should include daily, weekly and monthly tasks that can attract links from authority websites consistently over time. Your goal should not be to generate thousands of inbound links quickly because Google will penalize your website. Rather, focus on steady link building.
If you want to improve your organic search engine ranking, begin with keyword research. By selecting the right keywords, you’ll be able to optimize your website more quickly than your competitors. After choosing the right keywords, focus on integrating your chosen keywords into your web site. Then you’re ready for link building and other off page optimization tactics that significantly improve rankings.

Flip Charts - Successful Presentation Tools

Providing office products at your place are simply an effortless task these days hence, it appears to be cost-effective, time saving and very much convenient. Any company or business needs to be maintained by latest office supplies. Office products are the most important tools range from small pens to office furniture. These types of office products help your business or company grow in a better way. Clients always focus on what type of office supplies you use, how you carry them!

One of such office products is flip chart, an important tool mainly used in most of the business for presentation purpose. Flip chart is also used in elaborating your ideas and views. It can be availed in various styles, sizes, and shapes. Indeed a worthy investment, flip charts easily serve their purpose. Flip charts are the most usual tools seen in every office or in business.

Here are ten simple steps which will make your flip charts look quite professional.

- Make your flip chart pages in prior, so that your audience will not have to wait for what you have jotted things on the page.

- To give it more professional look, you should keep one page blank at least between each written page. In this way, extra information like comments of your audiences can be added.

- If you wish to draw diagram or chart, you can make light pencil outlines on the pages in prior; hence, this marks and lines can be seen by your audiences. Thus your charts and diagrams will look more professional.

- Ensure that, your conclusion page appears at the end of the flip charts, so that you can easily turn the pages.

- Each page should contain enough space for key points; some additional points can be added as you go through.

- Mainly you should use big letters but not the capital letters so that your audience can read your writing.

- Your text should be in dark colors something like, blue and black.

- If you wish to write on the flip chart while discussing with your audience, do stand one side, so that your audience can view what you have jotted down.

- After your presentation gets over, go through the pages of flip charts; make some notes based on points. Give information to those people who were present with you.

10 Thing Sales People Need to Know About C-Level Decision Makers

Selling to high-level decision makers is challenging at the best of times. However, it can be easier if you understand a few business principles.

C-level decision makers are paid to improve their business results. Regardless of how the media portrays these executives, their primary concern is to improve their business. This includes increasing sales, market share, customer loyalty; reducing costs, errors, or employee turnover; improving productivity, employee engagement, customer service, etc.

How does your product, service or solution address one of these issues?

C-level decision makers deal with changing priorities. Improving customer engagement may be a top priority today but tomorrow that executive may be faced with cutting $250,000 in expenses. That means they sometimes go cold after expressing initial interest in your solution.

Do you have a strategy in place to keep your solution current?

C-level decision makersare extremely busy. The average executive arrives early in the morning and stays late into the evening. They get dozens of calls every day, receive too many emails, and attend too many meetings. This means that you need to maximize every minute you have when you connect with them. This applies to telephone conversations and face-to-face meetings.

Do you know EXACTLY what to say when you connect with these individuals?

C-level decision makersrely on others. Contrary to popular belief, these high-ranking big-wigs seldom make decisions on their own. They often defer to other people on their team and ask for feedback from peers and/or subordinates. This means you need to involve these people in your conversations and include them in the decision making process.

Do you have the ability to finesse this?

C-level decision makers don’t like to make mistakes. A major mistake can affect an executive’s reputation in their company. This affects the decision-making process which means you need to uncover their risk factor during your conversations.

How will you reduce your prospect’s risk factor?

C-level decision makers have big egos. Most executives have a healthy ego which is one of the things that helped them achieve their status in the company. This means that you need to be very confident in your own abilities when selling to these individuals. Don’t back down when you’re challenged. In fact, doing so could cost you the business because C-level execs want to deal with people who believe in what they do.

Are you confident enough to deal directly with C-level executives?

C-level decision makers spend the bulk of their day in meetings.The next time you’re in the office, watch an executive. Chances are you will see them dashing from meeting to meeting. Your prospects are in the same position. They aren’t sitting at their desk waiting for you to call them.

Are you persistent in your efforts to connect with these individuals?

C-level decision makers have at least 40 hours of work on their desk at any given time. Several executives I know have expressed these sentiment, “I will never get caught up” or “Just when I think I can’t get busier, I do” or “I never call a sales person back because I already have too much on my plate.” you need to give these individual’s an extremely good reason to meet with you or take your call.

Is your approach effective?

C-level decision makers receive upwards of 150 emails every day. Many sales people use email as their major form of correspondence and it can be ineffective because most C-level decision makers simply don’t have time to respond to every email. A Managing Director once told me that he prefers telephone correspondence because he simply can’t get to every email, even when he wants to.

Do you use a variety of strategies to connect with C-level decision makers?

C-level decision makers think big picture.Stop focusing on your product or your company and start looking at the big picture of your prospect’s business. Most C-level execs don’t get bogged down in the little details of their business—they pay others to take care of the details. I once met with the President of a $125 million company and made the mistake of asking her questions about front-line execution instead of top-level strategic issues.

Can you see and discuss the big picture?

Think about your responses to each question and adapt your approach accordingly.

© MMXI Kelley Robertson, All rights reserved.

The 7 Best Ways to Promote an Event For Free

For some businesses, event marketing comes naturally. They have the resources to throw a bunch of money at 3rd parties and the promotions take care of themselves. They've done it before, they know the drill and they know it will work.
For the rest of us, event marketing is a timely endeavor and a risky use of precious time where the returns aren't guaranteed. But who says event marketing has to cost hundreds or thousands of dollars? While we may not have the resources to hire fantastic speakers or offer discounts that will break the bank, we do have the ability to compete on a higher level. With a few tricks up our sleeves, we can reach our goals to generate interest and leads for weeks to come.
Believe it or not, you actually have the power at your fingertips to promote your event and follow through with a rich, lasting marketing campaign for free. Here's how...
1) Leverage your network - The term leverage may be beaten-to-death marketing cliché, but there's a reason it's said so much and it boils down to this- the people most likely to believe in you and come to your events are the people you already know and their friends. Make them aware of your event by posting status updates, website banners, email blasts and telling them about it in person. You want the bandwagon effect here. People are much more likely to show interest if their friends are involved.
2) Encourage RSVPs via social media - There are three main benefits to using social sign up services like Eventbrite. For one, they're simple to use and they make it easy set up coupon codes, calendars, and guest lists. Secondly, they make your life easier because the transactions are taken care of, you only pay a percentage of the revenue, and you benefit from people finding your event in the search feature. Lastly, the social elements make it easy for someone to tell their friends and encourage a higher participation rate.
3) Share of the event through social channels ­- You know Facebook events and LinkedIn events are free right? You literally can't lose here. On top of that, social notifications tend to multiply the bandwagon effect and you want the bandwagon effect. Why? Because when someone signs up for your rockin' event, a notice will show up in their friends newsfeeds and pique their interests. Chances are, their friends are in similar markets and demographics and they are the people most likely to attend.
4) #Hashtags are your friends - If your event doesn't have a hashtags associated with it- shame on you. Hashtags are a great way to build buzz around your event and connect the people who are signing up, at the event, and following up. Word to the wise- you'll want to take a second to check Twitter before you pick a hashtag, to make sure no one else it using it. After that, claim your territory by tweeting it and adding it to all the other promotions. By notifying the attendees, in turn they will add the hashtag to their related tweets before, during and after the event. If you happen to be a social media jedi/guru/rockstar, you'll want to interact with the tweeps throughout the event. At minimum though, you should keep an eye on who's tweeting and make an effort to connect with them.
5) Live Blog the Event - If you're a one man (or woman) show, this probably won't be possible. But if you have a team, make sure someone is tweeting the good stuff in real time, using the hashtag of course- It's a great way to draw more interest to your company. By sharing updates and nuggets of wisdom, you'll earn retweets and exposure to the followers of the event and the attendees for free.
6) Record videos and share them afterwards - If you have speakers, this is a must. Granted they'll have to be on board, but if they're on board with marketing in the 21st century, this shouldn't be a problem. A great video can garner thousands of views on youtube and provide wonderful follow-up content and leads for both parties. Free information? What a great way to give back to your industry. Who would have thought great free content is a lead generation tool?
7) While you're at it, why not have a live video stream? If you really want viral attention, you'll need people tweeting your event from around the world. While I doubt non-attendees would actively engage with a Twitter stream, they will engage with a live video and complement it with Twitter. But doesn't that sound expensive? Well, it's actually free with this neat little workaround using Google+ and Youtube. Stream the video live, save it for later and save a boatload of money on marketing.
Do you have your own tips for promoting events? Share them in the comments section below for brownie poin

How to Transition Into a New Business

Today's article is about how to transition into a new business.Whether you're transitioning from a corporate job into a new business or if you are transitioning from one business to another, it can feel like a bit of an identity crisis. I know because I've done this twice.
The identity crisis and the angst comes from the fact that you don't want to lose income from the first business or job, but you also need to let others know about what you're doing. I have several tips for you today about how to transition from one into the other.
The very first thing I want to share with you is do not quit your day job just yet! For many years, I worked with clients who would let me know after the fact that they quit their day job, and they said, "Oh, I'm free and now I have all this time to spend on my new business." But they took their eye off the ball, if you will, in terms of what their bread and butter was. After a while, their income very quickly spiraled, which puts people into a fear place. I do not want that for you. Do not quit your day job. Instead, focus your attention on what is bringing in the money. Even if you're transitioning from one business to another, you don't want to put your full attention into the second business and forget what's bringing in the money.
Continue to give attention to job #1 or business #1, and then create extra time for your second venture.Perhaps you start working on your second business during the evenings and weekends. This is what I did in my transitions, both from corporate to my first business and from my first business to my second business.
The idea is that while you're still collecting a paycheck from either your first business or corporate, you create all of the marketing you need. This is where you start focusing on who is your ideal client, what is it that they need most, what is it that they are struggling with the most? Create a compelling message around this new business. Create your marketing materials. Create a marketing plan and decide how you will get out there in a big way while you're still collecting a paycheck.
Once you have those things in place, then it's time to begin networking your new business in a new group.Here's what I did in the beginning. I would go to a networking group at 7:30 in the morning, even though I was still working in corporate. I would market my new business and be at work by 9:00. If you're in your existing business, you keep networking for your existing business and then you find a different networking group and market your second business.
The idea is that you're riding two horses at the same time.That can be tiring, but it's less confusing and again, you want to continue getting that paycheck. Sometimes people ask me, "I'm carrying around two different business cards. Do I hand out two business cards or just one?" I believe that you hand out just one business card-whichever is more appropriate for that person. You don't want to confuse people.
Then once you're making enough income from your second business, that is the one that you start marketing full-time. Once you get at least enough to cover your basic expenses, then you shift your entire focus onto that one. Don't stop taking clients from the first one if you don't have to and then build the second one. That is how I've been able to transition twice and my clients have been able to do the same without losing any income and without sleepless nights.
Make the transition peacefully and easily.
Your Client Attraction Assignment
If you're thinking of transitioning into a new business, take these tips into consideration. Continue to get clients, continue to make money, and to be able to transition peacefully and easily.

Top Marketing Techniques

In the world of marketing techniques, whether online or offline, the business owner can make many mistakes and lose huge amounts of money that could be spent on hiring another employee, purchasing more products or simply keeping it safely in the bank. Profits can be reduced and what may follow could be stress and a lack of productivity.
The most important thing to understand is without a clear and concise marketing plan you're out there floundering around throwing marketing ideas against the proverbial wall, "hoping something sticks." No successful business person begins a marketing campaign without a plan.
It's vital to do small marketing trials to using several techniques until you find one or more that is the most effective. Below are some tips for discovering what works and what doesn't so you keep your losses to a minimum.
Define Your Market and Demographic
Who are the people most likely to purchase your product or service? What is the average age of your past client base or in general, the age of clients you are targeting? With laser-like accuracy you need to determine what works and hone in on that specific market.
When business owners or marketers use the "shotgun" method of marketing you will waste time and money contacting non-target market people who won't even consider what you are offering.
Professional Marketing Materials
If you don't have the software or programs to create business cards, flyers, tri-fold marketing pieces and other information you can physically place in the hands of potential customers you are making yourself and your business look cheap and cheesy.
Paying someone to create professional looking marketing pieces and having them printed at Kinko's or other places (check around for the most inexpensive) will serve you well and even if you're a one-person business you can look as up-scale as one with hundreds of employees.
Remember that a first impression is the most important impression. When a potential customer sees a simple, cheap looking flyer they know you made on your computer using the most rudimentary of software programs they have an immediate, visceral feeling of believing you're "small potatoes."
Obviously, a professional designed website is now a necessity in today's online environment to conduct business.
However, the flashiest and most fancy marketing pieces can be useless if you don't get your message across. Your prospect must be able to read it and within minutes completely understand what you are offering or selling.
I've seen marketing pieces that someone who didn't quite 'get it' actually left off the phone number and/or the website. If a potential customer has no idea how to take your materials, go to the phone and pick it up and call you they will NOT bother trying to find you.
Your Marketing Plan
Sit down and create a marketing plan that has a purpose, a time frame and set your goals for how many sales or customers you would like to acquire in a certain period of time. Do your homework. It may take doing research online or by purchasing books, CDs or DVDs on how to set up a good marketing plan.
Ask people you know who are successful how to put a good marketing campaign in motion. Of course, your competition may not be on board with giving you advice on how to take away some of their business, but you will find lots of mentors in other fields who will be glad to help.
There are so many online "gurus" who do teleseminars and webinars on the subject you'll have no problem finding someone who can give you some tips and ideas.
Whatever marketing tools and plan you use, make sure to follow through. The follow through is the big secret most people skip. You can't just do one marketing campaign and expect success. Your first few may be dismal failures so don't quit before you find the sweet spot that begins to bring you those valuable customers and clients you need.
This may sound strange but you need to 'court' potential clients, customers or business associates. The whole idea is to win the hearts and minds of those you have targeted as your perfect demographic.
In some business models there is no age group but instead, as in the case of those looking for people to join them in a home-based business, you're looking for someone who wants and needs to make more money. That is a huge demographic, especially in this chaotic economy.
On the other hand, this group of people is continually hammered by your competition so you are in essence marketing 'yourself' to them.
They must like you, trust you and feel like you are someone they'd love to build a business together.
They cannot be pushed, rushed or feel pressured or they will turn the other way and run.
They won't return your calls and you may as well lose their contact information.
Take your time (we're not talking months or years here) but give them a chance to look over everything and come back to you, ready to get started. Of course, a small 'nudge' if they seem on the verge of a decision but don't quite commit won't hurt.
Your Target Market
Perhaps you've been chasing shadows or people who are more of a fantasy market. A friend of mine says, "Start collecting minnows before you go for the whales." That means you may want to sell to or approach a high-powered business person who owns a huge company or at least has a high position within the organization.
You imagine bringing them on board as a client and with one fell swoop you've hit the Mother Lode.
Many people have chased and chased the big dream only to be bitterly disappointed when the deal falls through. Instead, go for the little fish and sell to them until you have built a quality and large client base until one day that big whale comes back around and agrees to do business with you.
All it takes is one and if you make them happy they will recommend you to their big-time associates.
Know Your Market
Don't be so self-absorbed or blinded you don't pay attention to a prime and potential client when one is staring you in the face. Become a student of human nature.
Turn yourself into an expert in your target market so you can recognize opportunity the moment it walks into your field of vision. Be ready to respond and engage them in conversation.
Do not 'pitch' them after the first "hello." It is also a very bad idea to put the sales moves on someone you just met in front of a group of people.
You can develop a reputation as someone who will pitch anyone, anywhere at the most awkward moments in the absolute wrong settings. Trying to sell someone on your services at cousin Sue's wedding is really a very bad idea.
Buying Signals
When someone begins asking you questions about what you do or what your products or services are for Pete's sake tell them.
Be prepared to have professional and clear answers to their questions so you don't stumble over your words. Be short, concise and get your message across in thirty seconds or less.
Pay attention to what they ask and be prepared to tell them what they need to know. If they are interested you will know it and then be ready to 'let them off the hook' and suggest you get together for lunch at their convenience.
By following these marketing techniques, you will respond professionally and your prospects will not only appreciate it but will probably become a client.

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