Company Logos - The Specifics

Look at Other Company Logos
Design teams should begin by looking at other logos within the industry. This will help to create something different that will stand out. It should be clean and functional, able to be resized, reproducible, and memorable. It should look just as good on a business card, as on a website, or as on a truck. If the company is employing a slogan, many times this will be added to the Company Logos as well. Think of the All-State logo. It is an insurance company, with an open set of hands as their symbol, and a slogan that reminds us that "you're in good hands".
Colors are considered important, but not crucial, and should not take away from the functionality of the design. However, colors can be an effective tool when used properly. For example, in the United States, many companies will use red, white and blue to give off a patriotic feel. Red is a very eye-catching color, and may be used to attract attention. Other colors are generally associated with a certain feeling. For example, subdued colors often make people feel relaxed; green is often used to represent the environment or environmentally-friendly products; and colors such as blue and silver are often used to represent diet products. Generally, two colors are enough for a logo.
Have One Focus
Having a single focus on your Company Logos is also important. This requires the company to be very clear in its identity, and then be able to clearly communicate this identity through the design. Many companies are tempted to alter this initial logo once it's created, to represent different fields or focuses. This should generally be avoided, so as to not lose the strength of the design. In order to attain and keep company loyalty, the logo must remain focused and unchanged. Simple logos allow for easy recognition, while still being unique.
Avoid Trendy Colors
Design teams should also try to avoid trendy colors or designs in their Company Logos. Classic shapes, symbols, fonts and colors will ensure a longer-lasting image. Experts generally recommend choosing a logo that will last between 10-20 years or longer, in order to avoid confusing or losing the market base. Unless your company's logo looks extremely

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7382776

outdated, or no long reflects the business, alterations should be avoided.
The designing process of Company Logos may be a challenging one, but knowing the right tools and ideas can help a company move in the right direction.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7382776


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