This past year my wife and I attended "Celebration". This is a
yearly gathering of network marketing associates from the company we
represent. If you have never had the pleasure of attending such an event
let me provide a basic description of what I observed. The room was
filled with several thousand people who responded to those on-stage as
if they were rock stars. People were jumping up and clapping and
cheering throughout the course of the weekend with unbridled enthusiasm.
The excitement was palpable and was shared by everyone in the room. It
became obvious that there was a symbiotic relationship between the
presenters and those in attendance. I quickly came to understand that
the "rock stars" on stage were in possession of information that
everyone in that room wanted to have. Furthermore, the rock stars were
eager to impart it to us. They wanted us to become rock stars as well
and they had no desire to deny us anything that may prove useful to our
success. All of their knowledge and experience was there for the taking.
This is important. It is in the best interest of network marketing companies that each of their associates is wildly successful and achieves all of their goals. At least in the case of legitimate companies, your success is their success... and visa-versa. A good company understands that if they cannot create results for you then you will not remain committed to network marketing. They want you to make money, and to do so quickly and efficiently. As a result, many network marketing companies attempt to provide associates with systems and tools to increase the likelihood of success by simplifying the process of doing business. The idea, not unlike a restaurant franchise, is to create a system that is easy to explain, easy to use, and ultimately easy to replicate. So what separated those wildly successful people on stage from everyone else in the room? If all of these tools are available to you and me, what made the rock stars so successful? The difference is not in the tools used, but in the motivation behind their use.
I noted something significant about those on stage. My company has managed to create over 80 millionaires from 2002 until 2012. I began to develop an understanding of what traits all of them seemed to have in common. My thought was that if I could develop an understanding of what facilitates their success, then I could begin to develop those traits in myself, as well as the associates I bring into the company. My wife and I have had our share of success, but we have not made our first million... yet. In the end I believe there are three different facilitators which brought those millionaires to the stage that weekend.
A bigger than life personality
Everyone knows people like this. They are the people that enter after the party has started and immediately control the room. People want to be around them and want to be like them. Unfortunately, not everyone is capable of changing who they are. I have no issue in striking up a conversation with virtually anyone, but that doesn't mean that I will ever be the life of the party. This trait is, therefore, probably the most difficult to develop. With that said, I do believe that as a person becomes more and more comfortable with themselves in the role of a network marketer their ability to communicate will inevitably improve. You can develop your people skills.
Desperation can be an amazing facilitator. One of the speakers at the event talked of being on the verge of losing everything. She was ill, her husband had lost his job, and they had several small children. This now millionaire came to the realization that failure was not an option, and that success was the only viable path available to her. She walked the path regardless of the difficulties and fears she felt. Desperation is an incredibly strong motivator; however not everyone finds themselves in such a desperate place. Furthermore, there are those that allow trials to defeat them, instead of motivate them. I see failure as a means by which a person's path is defined. It should never be viewed as a road block preventing all future progress. Instead, failure simply pushes us in new directions until we find what we have been looking for.
The big "why"
For those of you who have read some of my writings from the past you will recognize the "why" facilitator. I cannot claim the "why" question as my invention. Many motivational speakers and writers refer to it. For those who do not recognize the concept though, I will offer a brief synopsis. Most people spend their lives attempting to identify the "how" of success; i.e. How can I get the promotion?; How can I expand my business?; How do I achieve financial independence? In reality, the key to success is in understanding your "why". There are as many ways to facilitate incredible success as there are people in the world. Most people, however, only have one or two "why's" to explain their desire for success. If your "why" is big enough then your "how" is at best a minor issue. The "how" will come in turn. Of the three traits discussed here, this is the one I believe has the best chance for creating the success you desire.
I consider these to be the primary facilitators to wild success. But what are the motivators that drive a person seek out success in the first place? What do most people want out of life? When broke down into the simplest understanding there are two motivators that drive people in my opinion.
Now before this claim generates unnecessary consternation, let me clarify. The amount of money someone thinks they need is on a sliding scale. For most people in the world whatever you have is just short of what you think you "need"... don't blame me... there is research to back up this claim. However, this idea can be better understood in the following context.
Everyone decides how much money they think they need and what they need it for. A person may decide that they need a million dollars because they want to give it all away, or they want to provide for their children after they are gone. Therefore, it does not have to be greed that drives a person to want more money; rather, it is what a person wants to do with that money that motivates them to financial success. Furthermore, financial success has as many meanings as there are people in the world. Even a drunk transient living in the desert wants money, if for no other reason than to feed their alcohol habit. Remember the "why" facilitator? The "why", more than anything else, determines how much money a person thinks he needs and the level of motivation they feel to achieve it.
What good is all the money in the world if you do not have a minimal level of health and fitness which allows you to enjoy it? Regardless of what your plans for wealth may be, your ability to employ those plans is limited by poor health. It goes without saying that there are health issues that are outside of a person's control. Hereditary diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease can play a major role in hindering success and the desire to achieve it. Despite this fact, there are very few people in the world who do not have a burning desire to be as healthy as possible, and for good reason. Virtually everyone would like to enjoy the life they have made for themselves, regardless of how that life manifests itself. No matter your starting point everyone's goal should be to be as healthy as you can be.
My relationship with my kids has helped define what a truly successful life looks like. My kids have made it clear that they would give up everything they have if it increased the amount of time I could dedicate to them. I have therefore learned that my bank accounts value will never exceed the value of my time. I have had opportunities throughout my public sector career for voluntary overtime or off-duty work. I have regularly avoided these opportunities, and instead gone home to my family. Wealth accumulation must always be seen as a means to an end, and not the end itself. If your focus is on stockpiling money, you will never be satisfied. You will always want more because the act of accumulation will become the goal. It is not until you find your purpose behind becoming wealthy that you can truly feel successful.
I have never understood the millionaire who achieved that status by working 16 hours a day. What's the point? I liken it to a drug addict who spends most of their day trying to scrape up enough funds just to get another hit. They never really get to enjoy their efforts. I never want to be that guy, and in my opinion, neither should you.
The key is to find a balance. You must discover a path to financial freedom that does not interfere with your enjoyment of that freedom. Most wildly successful people will tell you that this is achieved through multiple streams of income and building a residual income. Some examples of how this can be achieved include:
Write a book
Create and monetize a website or blog
Create a product
Find a successful network marketing opportunity
How are these examples different from a typical "job"? Once any one of these residual income sources is created, it will continue to provide you with a steady stream of income even when you take a day off. You will continue to make money while you are on vacation. Furthermore, once a residual income source is created you have a great deal of flexibility in regards to how much time you dedicate to it. Conversely, a traditional job is limiting. You can only make as much money as defined by your employer. You can only make more money by working more hours. In the end, there are only so many hours in the day. Finally, if you have several sources of income working for you at the same time, if one of them goes away then you still have several other income streams. This is extremely important in a time when so many people are out of a job.
I have done several of the things listed above. I am a published author, I run a web-site, I have created products and I run a successful network marketing business. Network marketing holds a special place in my heart for several reasons:
1. The business consists primarily of talking to people throughout my day. I talk to the clerk at the store; the guy fixing my tire, and my next door neighbor. I would have done this anyway. Now it makes me money.
2. I would use the products from my company regardless of whether or not I made any money. The product line has truly changed my life and the life of my family.
3. My particular company addresses both of the motivators previously discussed. It has improved my health and increased my wealth. Why wouldn't I talk to people about it?
4. I feel like I am part of a family consisting of thousands of people all looking to promote my efforts. What a fantastic support system.
5. My company wants nothing more than for me to experience wild success.
My hope with this article is that I have motivated you to find your path to financial freedom. That path is determined by discovering your motivation, and a means to facilitate that motivation. The issue is not determining the "how" of your success. The truth of the matter that there are so many ways to achieve financial success and that the real difficulty lies in narrowing down the possibilities. For many of you, your limitations are produced b y a negative attitude rather than a lack of ability, skill or talent. Network marketing is an excellent first step in building up multiple streams of income. Each stream you create will open the door a little more towards achieving financial independence. Feel free to contact me in regards to identifying your own path to success.
This is important. It is in the best interest of network marketing companies that each of their associates is wildly successful and achieves all of their goals. At least in the case of legitimate companies, your success is their success... and visa-versa. A good company understands that if they cannot create results for you then you will not remain committed to network marketing. They want you to make money, and to do so quickly and efficiently. As a result, many network marketing companies attempt to provide associates with systems and tools to increase the likelihood of success by simplifying the process of doing business. The idea, not unlike a restaurant franchise, is to create a system that is easy to explain, easy to use, and ultimately easy to replicate. So what separated those wildly successful people on stage from everyone else in the room? If all of these tools are available to you and me, what made the rock stars so successful? The difference is not in the tools used, but in the motivation behind their use.
I noted something significant about those on stage. My company has managed to create over 80 millionaires from 2002 until 2012. I began to develop an understanding of what traits all of them seemed to have in common. My thought was that if I could develop an understanding of what facilitates their success, then I could begin to develop those traits in myself, as well as the associates I bring into the company. My wife and I have had our share of success, but we have not made our first million... yet. In the end I believe there are three different facilitators which brought those millionaires to the stage that weekend.
A bigger than life personality
Everyone knows people like this. They are the people that enter after the party has started and immediately control the room. People want to be around them and want to be like them. Unfortunately, not everyone is capable of changing who they are. I have no issue in striking up a conversation with virtually anyone, but that doesn't mean that I will ever be the life of the party. This trait is, therefore, probably the most difficult to develop. With that said, I do believe that as a person becomes more and more comfortable with themselves in the role of a network marketer their ability to communicate will inevitably improve. You can develop your people skills.
Desperation can be an amazing facilitator. One of the speakers at the event talked of being on the verge of losing everything. She was ill, her husband had lost his job, and they had several small children. This now millionaire came to the realization that failure was not an option, and that success was the only viable path available to her. She walked the path regardless of the difficulties and fears she felt. Desperation is an incredibly strong motivator; however not everyone finds themselves in such a desperate place. Furthermore, there are those that allow trials to defeat them, instead of motivate them. I see failure as a means by which a person's path is defined. It should never be viewed as a road block preventing all future progress. Instead, failure simply pushes us in new directions until we find what we have been looking for.
The big "why"
For those of you who have read some of my writings from the past you will recognize the "why" facilitator. I cannot claim the "why" question as my invention. Many motivational speakers and writers refer to it. For those who do not recognize the concept though, I will offer a brief synopsis. Most people spend their lives attempting to identify the "how" of success; i.e. How can I get the promotion?; How can I expand my business?; How do I achieve financial independence? In reality, the key to success is in understanding your "why". There are as many ways to facilitate incredible success as there are people in the world. Most people, however, only have one or two "why's" to explain their desire for success. If your "why" is big enough then your "how" is at best a minor issue. The "how" will come in turn. Of the three traits discussed here, this is the one I believe has the best chance for creating the success you desire.
I consider these to be the primary facilitators to wild success. But what are the motivators that drive a person seek out success in the first place? What do most people want out of life? When broke down into the simplest understanding there are two motivators that drive people in my opinion.
Now before this claim generates unnecessary consternation, let me clarify. The amount of money someone thinks they need is on a sliding scale. For most people in the world whatever you have is just short of what you think you "need"... don't blame me... there is research to back up this claim. However, this idea can be better understood in the following context.
Everyone decides how much money they think they need and what they need it for. A person may decide that they need a million dollars because they want to give it all away, or they want to provide for their children after they are gone. Therefore, it does not have to be greed that drives a person to want more money; rather, it is what a person wants to do with that money that motivates them to financial success. Furthermore, financial success has as many meanings as there are people in the world. Even a drunk transient living in the desert wants money, if for no other reason than to feed their alcohol habit. Remember the "why" facilitator? The "why", more than anything else, determines how much money a person thinks he needs and the level of motivation they feel to achieve it.
What good is all the money in the world if you do not have a minimal level of health and fitness which allows you to enjoy it? Regardless of what your plans for wealth may be, your ability to employ those plans is limited by poor health. It goes without saying that there are health issues that are outside of a person's control. Hereditary diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease can play a major role in hindering success and the desire to achieve it. Despite this fact, there are very few people in the world who do not have a burning desire to be as healthy as possible, and for good reason. Virtually everyone would like to enjoy the life they have made for themselves, regardless of how that life manifests itself. No matter your starting point everyone's goal should be to be as healthy as you can be.
My relationship with my kids has helped define what a truly successful life looks like. My kids have made it clear that they would give up everything they have if it increased the amount of time I could dedicate to them. I have therefore learned that my bank accounts value will never exceed the value of my time. I have had opportunities throughout my public sector career for voluntary overtime or off-duty work. I have regularly avoided these opportunities, and instead gone home to my family. Wealth accumulation must always be seen as a means to an end, and not the end itself. If your focus is on stockpiling money, you will never be satisfied. You will always want more because the act of accumulation will become the goal. It is not until you find your purpose behind becoming wealthy that you can truly feel successful.
I have never understood the millionaire who achieved that status by working 16 hours a day. What's the point? I liken it to a drug addict who spends most of their day trying to scrape up enough funds just to get another hit. They never really get to enjoy their efforts. I never want to be that guy, and in my opinion, neither should you.
The key is to find a balance. You must discover a path to financial freedom that does not interfere with your enjoyment of that freedom. Most wildly successful people will tell you that this is achieved through multiple streams of income and building a residual income. Some examples of how this can be achieved include:
Write a book
Create and monetize a website or blog
Create a product
Find a successful network marketing opportunity
How are these examples different from a typical "job"? Once any one of these residual income sources is created, it will continue to provide you with a steady stream of income even when you take a day off. You will continue to make money while you are on vacation. Furthermore, once a residual income source is created you have a great deal of flexibility in regards to how much time you dedicate to it. Conversely, a traditional job is limiting. You can only make as much money as defined by your employer. You can only make more money by working more hours. In the end, there are only so many hours in the day. Finally, if you have several sources of income working for you at the same time, if one of them goes away then you still have several other income streams. This is extremely important in a time when so many people are out of a job.
I have done several of the things listed above. I am a published author, I run a web-site, I have created products and I run a successful network marketing business. Network marketing holds a special place in my heart for several reasons:
1. The business consists primarily of talking to people throughout my day. I talk to the clerk at the store; the guy fixing my tire, and my next door neighbor. I would have done this anyway. Now it makes me money.
2. I would use the products from my company regardless of whether or not I made any money. The product line has truly changed my life and the life of my family.
3. My particular company addresses both of the motivators previously discussed. It has improved my health and increased my wealth. Why wouldn't I talk to people about it?
4. I feel like I am part of a family consisting of thousands of people all looking to promote my efforts. What a fantastic support system.
5. My company wants nothing more than for me to experience wild success.
My hope with this article is that I have motivated you to find your path to financial freedom. That path is determined by discovering your motivation, and a means to facilitate that motivation. The issue is not determining the "how" of your success. The truth of the matter that there are so many ways to achieve financial success and that the real difficulty lies in narrowing down the possibilities. For many of you, your limitations are produced b y a negative attitude rather than a lack of ability, skill or talent. Network marketing is an excellent first step in building up multiple streams of income. Each stream you create will open the door a little more towards achieving financial independence. Feel free to contact me in regards to identifying your own path to success.
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